Saturday, April 9, 2016

Kindergarten Round-up

This Fall's Kindergarten Class

I held kindergarten round-up on Friday and there were 12 preschoolers that spent the morning with us!  We had a great time!  The kindergartners told them what school was like, they met Rascal the puppet learned about the American Robin and colored one, had a cookie, toured the school, did a painted, paper plate bird art project, and had center time complete with Play-doh, Legos, blocks, cars, puzzles, and the art center.  Then before we knew it, it was 11:00 and time to go home!  I thought it was a great morning!

Here's the whole crew! 

Their assignment:  Go out and find a real American Robin!
The kids loved painting today!
Play dough is always a favorite of the kids and this
homemade stuff is the best!
Here are some of the pretty birds that were created today!
Wow!  What a beautiful bird!
There were smiles all around!
They were working pretty hard on their creations!
Kids love playtime!
The room was hopping with activity!  I was thankful for the
helpers I had today!  I think round-up went really well! 

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