Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Latest Journal Entries

Here are some journal pages for you to smile at. I love their ideas and illustrations.  They are doing better at writing their ideas too.  There should be big improvements during the second semester.

My son's dog, Echo, was cuddled up on my 
lap while I looked over the journals.
It looks like I may need to work on my posture.  
That is me on the left using the computer to 
control the Smart Board with the American 
Goldfinch.  I agree...the Chickadee Bird Club is cool!
I like how the kids are sounding out the words now.
The kids think that the American Kestrel sounds 
like it is saying my name, "Kelly, Kelly, Kelly!"  Funny!

Their penmanship is really coming around.

I try to teach the students about geography and this is one of the ways.
Little boys do love things with wheels!

We have been working on what a question is and when 
to use a question mark.  I haven't seen many use it yet.

Check out how she sounded out Horned Lark.  
She has the right idea!
This drawing shows a lot of detail!  Very nice!
The children love to write about birds using 
their own personal backyard bird books from the 
SD Game, Fish and Parks Wildlife division.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Christmas Party

Our Christmas Party day was sure nice!  We watched a 
movie in the morning and then we had the party with 
Bingo, lunch and the gift exchange.
We had five "theaters" set up in grades K-5.  The kids 
could go to whatever movie they wanted.  Each child got 
a free pop and popcorn for their movie.
The kids enjoyed playing Christmas BINGO.
The boys and their Hot Wheels from "teacher".
The girls and their dolls.
Here are the bird trading cards from the teacher.
A yummy lunch!

Cute Birdy Video!

Check out this cute video!  The kids loved it and they really laughed!

Image result for angry birds hatchling

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Elementary Christmas Concert

The elementary Christmas concert was grand!  The kids did such a nice job!  This was their first time in front of such a large audience and they were feeling a little nervous, but they did a very nice job.  Here is a photo of the kids and I before the concert in front of our classroom tree.

Eight girls and eight boys equals one awesome 
kindergarten class!

Happy Decem-bird!

I wanted to decorate one of the bulletin board with birds, so I set out white construction paper, tempera paints and Q-tips along with some backyard bird pictures.  I told the kids to choose a bird that they liked and try to paint it.  I went to the other side of the room to work on a lesson with some other students.  I was so surprised when I returned to see these amazing bird paintings!  I was impressed!  I guess they have been drawing birds in their journals for some time, so they are experts!

December Art

I printed each child's hand print on the paper with green paint in the shape of a Christmas tree. Then they used tempera paint and Q-tips to add details.  I thought that the trees turned out really nice!

Hot Cocoa Parties Rock!

It is traditional in my class to occasionally have a cup of hot cocoa in the winter.  We also have animal crackers to dip in.  The kids LOVE it!  It is a nice treat at the end of the day after a cold recess break.  I mentioned one day that if anyone wanted to bring a box of cocoa we could start having hot cocoa once in awhile.  One boy brought a huge box of 60 envelopes of cocoa!  I guess we will be set for a few parties!

Hot cocoa, anyone?
Mmm...cocoa and animal crackers is delicious!
Ha-ha! The Halloween cups have recently been replaced by Christmas cups!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Forgotten Photos From October

The Pilgrims and Indians at lunch.

The kids at the Assisted Living center.

We had to wait a long time for the bus to come back, so
I decided to have the kids sing a couple of Halloween songs
that I'd taught them.  Then we sang the 6-7 patriotic songs
that I'd taught them during the year.  The residents gave
them a big applause!

Two boys in costume on the bus ride.

Some of the girls on the bus ride.

At my house for a birthday cookie!

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

No Coats on December 9th?

This beautiful winter weather has the children outdoors without coats!  They are loving it!  All of that snow melted quickly with the warm weather near 60 degrees. That left us with lots of mud and mud puddles!  There is no avoiding them right now, so the teachers are learning to accept mud.

The kids are drawn to the water and were trying to
make rivers.  I remember how I loved to do that as a child!
Happy girls enjoying the nice weather!
We need to soak up the warmth while we can!

Lessons About the Earth

In Science the students are learning about the Earth.  I have taught them about the poles, equator, continents, oceans and where they live.  They now know how Earth is a planet that travels around the sun and we discussed the seasons. Today we discussed different habitats and how different animals, specifically birds, prefer different habitats.

In Social Studies we are discussing different cultures.  I teach about them using big posters cards that each have a child from a different part of the world.  The back of the poster tells about each child's life, land and customs.  Then it has good questions for the kids helping them to compare their life to that child's life.

Teaching about the world is vitally important for this generation to have a vested interest in it.  We can’t expect people to care about what they don’t know and they won’t protect and conserve what they don’t care about.  I have inspired students to wonder and ask questions about the world and participate project-based learning.   I have had success at teaching students to understand and love the outdoors as well as learn about birds in their own part of the world.  

We discussed what we wanted to write
about the Earth.  I helped them write it
by modeling it on the board.  Then the
children copied it into their journal.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

November Journal Posts

"I do like to play in my room."
Rascal is the classroom raccoon puppet and the kids love him!
"I like my friends!"
"I love chicken noodle soup."
"Levi is sick and I miss him."
"The Ruby-throated {Hummingbird} is
green and purple."
"Me, Levi, and Zachary like to play at school."
The kids often write about birds, even when I encourage
them to write about something different sometimes.
"I would love to see unicorns."
We've got some little artist again this year!
"I {Cassie} scared my cat!"
"Cassie, Sean, Holton, Kinley and me are going to the 
lake to bird with Mrs. Preheim."
"I like to ride in the figure 8 car."
"I like the painted wall."
"The Common Grackle is blue and purple."
"The owl likes the colorful tree!"